Who wants to be a Billionaire!?!


Welcome to who wants to be a Billionaire! I am your host Rene Dansereau and I will present to you 5 most uncomfortable questions. If you can answer them correctly, yes, you too could be a Billionaire!

Ok, for those who are not familiar most versions of “Who wants to be a Millionaire TV show” they had three lifelines:

– Ask the audience

– 50/50, which eliminates half of the wrong answers

– Phone a friend

in this version of the game the 50/50 split and ask the audience lifelines do not exist, however, you do have unlimited opportunities to phone/contact a friend.

So let’s jump right in to the first question for $1 million.

1. Regarding all the matter and energy in existence, who does it belong to?

Is it:

a) President of the United States   b) Google

c) no one                                           d) Yoda

If you answered, (C): “No one” you would be correct for $1 Million.

A follow up bonus question:

“Why are the benefits of matter and energy unequally shared on this planet?”

I do not know, I am hoping someone out there can provide an answer.

Our next question for $2 Million.

2. Regarding all the information discovered thus far by human society, who does it belong to?

Is it:

a) Cookie Monster                           b) Goldman Sachs

c) no one                                          d) Emperor of China

If you answered (C): “no one” you would be correct for $2 Million.

And again another follow up bonus question!

“Why are the benefits of humanity’s information unequally shared?”

The answer is yours to mull.

Ok, let’s look at the next question worth $10 Million.

3. Where do geographic borders, valuations on everything such as the price of: food, lumber, or gold, and organizational structures such as: governments, corporations, or sports teams, exist?

Do they exist:

a) Only in Russia                            b) only in Middle Earth

c) only in your mind                      d) only on planet earth

If you answered (C): “only in your mind” you would be correct!

Congratulations! You only have 2 uncomfortable questions between you and $1 Billion! Hang in there! All is explained below!

This next question has 3 possible outcomes therefore it is worth $100 Million!

4. How we end the cycle of violence is different for every individual, but there are the only 3 possible conclusions to the cycle of violence? What are they?

If you answered:

1. Forgiveness: if both parties truly forgive each other their relationship could continue without an element of violence.

2. Physical separation: sending one party to jail or voluntary separation – could be a permanent solution or just a pause in the violence.

3. Genocide: this will stop the cycle until another disagreement in another relationship occurs.

You would be correct!

Lastly for $887 Million here is your final question….

5. Who is or was the most important person ever?

Is it:

a) Kim Kardashian                        b) Stephen Hawking

c) you                                             d) Harry Potter

If you answered that: (C): you, are the most important person then you are correct!!!!

“But that can’t be right!?” you say. Actually yes it is! You are the most important person because we all have the same value! (I can’t believe that I am saying this) Yes, even Donald Trump is no less or more valuable than anyone else.

The purpose of this quiz is to try to broaden your perspective, open your mind to the possibility that there are other ways to treat one another, other ways to organize, and other ways to live.

Each human being is equally entitled to the benefits of our civilization thus far. Bono put it best when he said: “Where you are born shouldn’t determine whether you live or die!” So much of who we are and what we become is derived from our lived experience, Denis Leary highlighted this nicely when he said: “Racism isn’t born, folks, it taught. I have a two year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.”

We are quickly approaching a point in time where robotics will replace the bulk of human toil and the creation and maintenance of energy will require minimal human intervention (I personally can name 3 jobs that I have done that are now performed by robots). Robots are already replacing surgeons as readily as they are replacing labourers. Will the standard of living of the bulk of humanity suffer because some feel entitled and their lived experience tells them it is ok to prosper at the expense of their brothers and sisters?

If we all work together there is no reason why we cannot all be billionaires!!!

It will require the ingenuity of everyone because the rewards are equal to the task at hand and I do not pretend to know how we will get there or even if the majority is interested in such a venture. I suspect that that close to 99% of us are up to the challenge but that remains to be seen.

Be seeing you!

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