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Disclaimer: I am no longer a registered Investment Advisor and I am not responsible for what you do with the information obtained from this website or any other.

A book I believe everyone should read!  (in addition to the Bible) 🙂

Merchants of Doubt

I believe that HFT’s are probably the most effective.

In this interview Mr.Narang explains, “HFTs can, by virtue of having invested in superior infrastructure, react faster to the information embedded in a new order, but let us not confuse speed with front-running. This information is public and available to anyone willing to overcome the challenges of acquiring and processing it very quickly.”

This puts them at the top of the responsive information game (those who receive the information first can react first).

My unpublished and unedited book is here in PDF,

upgrading the financial system (390 downloads )

With my current obligations I do not have the time or energy to dedicate to properly revising, editing and updating it.  I would revise it to include what I have experienced and read since my last revision.

It is packed with information, however one main idea is the need for a global (preferably decentralized) electronic currency associated with a global progressive tax that is championed by Thomas Piketty.

The Benefits

  1. tax havens would no longer exist from a taxation perspective – Panama Papers
  2. no need for the Foreign Exchange markets – (more on this later)
  3. everyone would be treated equally

Potential Problems

  1. Control
  2.  Widespread participation

Great Informative Interview!

she is 15,   nothing short of AWESOME

More on the benefits of Education!

I highly recommend watching Hans presentation!

World Oil Outlook 2017 by OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)

Bitumen is the type of Oil mined in the Canadian Oilsands sector. It is also the one of the lowest grades of energy next to coal. As most of the world seeks to move away from carbon intensive energy it is only a matter of time before the demand curve for Crude Oil flattens and begins to decline on a permanent basis.

A very good explanation I thought