An open Letter to the First Nations People of Canada

We have spent years fighting against intolerance, environmental catastrophes, apathy, and cultural expectations.  If you choose to I believe we can steer the ship to everyone’s benefit.  Allow me a few minutes to explain.

I suggest that we focus our energy on leading the adoption of renewable energy use in Canada for the following reasons:

  • First Nations people often use and/or are labeled land/sea defenders, who better than to provide the example
  • It is more effective to lead by example enabling people with superior approaches rather than advocating outright denial.
  • Public and Private sectors in Canada collectively still have their heads stuck in the oil-sands, which is putting us further and further behind.
  • Thousands of unemployed workers will be eager to learn.

The Oil & Gas industry in Canada is now dead, in short the cost of producing oil far outstrips its value; as of March 27, 2020[1] it was US$ 4.58 when the benchmark West Texas Intermediate (WTI) was US$ 21.51.  As of today April 15, 2020 West Canadian Select[2] is US$ 4.71 and the widely watched WTI is US$ 20.00[3].

Provide jobs to people on the west coast in particular, because any bailout money given to oil-sands producers is the equivalent of welfare with an unfortunate side effect, “environmental degradation”.   So as a sharp contrast offer them jobs.

It is very likely that the new sections of the Trans-Mountain Pipeline will never be used because of the fall in oil demand.  While the probability of an environmental catastrophe is decreased; there is also a risk that the opportunity to turn British Columbia into an environmental example for the world will be squandered.

We are blessed to live in such a life giving environment and we would not have alter our way of life much for it to flourish once again.  Yes I am referring to LOTS of JOB creation while restoring the health of the ocean[4].


Rene Dansereau





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